"He is my love. He will have long, jet-black hair, twinkling blue eyes. He will be very thin and irresponsible, but he will love me deeply, and I him. We will look into each others’ eyes and never leave each other. Our hands will meet and we will cling to each other and forever be protected."
About me
I may make this an archive of various music opinions, pieces of media that I enjoy, maybe even a time capsule of sorts for when I inevitably cringe at this when I turn 25 - if I make it to 25! I could use it to replace my Notion.so hell, but what joy would that bring? When I grow up (turn 20) I'm going to be making 7 figures for making sites like these!
here are bits and bobs as they come to me (don't be alarmed, my final website won't look like this): SpaceHey "Y2K" font list --> https://forum.spacehey.com/topic?id=101332